Monday, April 19, 2010

Term Two Day One.

Today we started two of the major learning components of the term.
Science and the Explanation writing.
Starting with a bang, or more like a series of pops and splashes.

I love the start of every unit of work. We call it The 'Excite' part. The Excite section of the Muritai inquiry model is about creating a sense of wondering, engaging students, finding out what they think, believe and feel and gauge student interest and attitude.
To ignite their interest.

First up
Paper water balloons – How to make a paper water bomb?
discussing the criteria for giving effective explanations.

Then - popcorn – what happens and why?
generating questions, creating theories, discussing, elaborating, researching.


Anonymous said...

Well done room23 you are working hard.


Taylor said...

That looks like a really fun first day

Anonymous said...

This was really fun. I enjoyed making water balloons and popcorn at school. Weird combo but I don't care!

Lucy :)

Tessa's Learning Log said...

That was fun and the water bombs really worked I can not wait to try again =)

From Tessa