Monday, April 26, 2010

Thinking with Evidence - Exploring Bread.

What’s in our bread?

Today we did a bit of research. Tomorrow we test!

In groups we carried out a bit of research on a range of things relating to the bread that we buy.

EXPLORE (Finding out/knowledge)
• To take the students beyond what they already know
• To challenge students’ ideas, beliefs and values
• To enable students to use skills (eg thinking, communication, co-operation, research skills) and knowledge to collect new information

Group One

Looked at the nutrition Information – Making Comparisons between 5 loaves of bread

Group Two

Looked at what’s in our Bread? Looking at the ingredients listed on the packets

Group Three

Looked at the additives & preservatives – What’s in commercially sold bread?

Group Four

Looked at website information, company websites. What do they say? Is it true?

Group Five

The History of bread. Interesting information

Group Six

What is Yeast - The Chemistry of Yeast. How does it work?

Teams work extremely hard. They will feed back tomorrow.

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