Thursday, July 1, 2010

Term Two Evaluations

Lucy's Term Evaluation

Wow. Term two has gone so fast. Even though it’s nearly the beginning of term three, it feels like the middle of term one. Cross Country, Carter Observatory, portfolios, Young Leaders Day, PALs and Explanation writing are just some of the many things we have managed to cram into this term.

For our inquiry topic this term, we have been exploring the Nature of Science. As part of this we completed a science fair project. I did my science fair on Ginger Beer and ‘Can You Make Ginger Beer Better For You? I have recently found out that I got into the top twenty in the senior school. This means that next term I will be going to Victoria University for the Wellington NIWA Science Fair. I am very excited about this, and proud.

This term we have also been studying how to write a quality explanation. We have looked at nouns, verbs, technical vocabulary and punctuation. I have produced three explanations (Matariki, Ginger Beer and a made up appliance, The Celeporter) and I am proud of all of them.

Next term, I want to work on speaking with confidence as we have speeches next term. I also want to work on thinking more laterally or “outside the box” as some people might call it.

Overall, this term has been fantastic. We have been loaded with so much work and excitement that I haven’t really had time to think of anything else. If this term was great, Term three will be even better!

By Lucy

Ruby's Term Evaluation

WOW, what an amazing term it has been. We have managed to fit so much into 11 weeks. I have done a lot of work and I am very proud of it. This term, our main concept was Science. We had to complete a Science Fair Project. My science fair was on “Lemon power” I was very pleased with the work I did on my science fair and it was very exciting too.

This term my achievements have been numerous. I am so amazed with what I am achieving and how I am doing at school. This term we have been training for cross country, my fastest time was 9.40 I was over the moon with that score because I am not really a confident runner. We also had a visit to the Carter Observatory to learn about our solar system and other planets, it was a very fun day.

For Technicraft I am in woodwork and we have just finished making our name blocks and now working on our mug trees I am making my mug tree for my auntie I know she will be very proud of it. We have also done arts program I really enjoyed Hip Hop mainly because I do it.
I hope next term I will achieve more than term one and term two. I wonder if term three will go swimming by ( Hopefully it will!!)

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