Monday, June 27, 2011


The inquiries coming in are truly spectacular. I am so impressed and so pleased with what I am seeing, hearing and reading. The task was simple, explore eco-housing concepts and then design your own eco-house. However, students had opportunities to complete a range of extension tasks including: making a model, in-depth research, site visits, interviews with experts, power point displays and the list goes on.


Kahlia said...

I think I did really well. My next step learning is: Take more time and not muck around.

Becky said...

I really enjoyed completing this inquiry and i worked really hard on it. I believe that i worked to the best of my ability and i am pleased with my finished inquiry. My next steps would be to have more specific research.


Sean said...

I am happy with my output and I am impressed with my work capacity.My current inquiry is double the size of my last one and I included two extension opportunities.However, I would like to have made a physical model and also have sketched more concept designs, sadly I had already come up with my final plan at the time.

Overall, when I look back in a reflective stance, I feel proud of all my efforts and I choose to follow the lessons drawn from this experience.

Anonymous said...

Lily A said

This inquiry was hard to start and hard to get through.I found Building the model was the most fun.But next time I would like to learn more about Eco sustainable products.

Jared said...

I think that for a second inquiry i didn't do an excellently great job but rather OK. and even though my time management wasn't the best, the outcome was actually all right.

Rm 23

Marguerite said...

I think I did amazingly well on this inquiry. It did take a while, but I loved the finished project, especially the model. Though I wish I had more time to add a science fair board.


Moss Grenfell said...

Moss said....

I think it was really hard but i learned a lot and had fun.
from moss

Hazel said...

I believe that my inquiry is of a high standard and I very much enjoyed this inquiry. Watching my designs come to life was absolutely fascinating.

Rm 23

liam said...

This term for our inquiry we were given a task to create an inquiry on eco-sustainable houses which I found fun and interesting. I found hard to find real eco-homes across the world for task 1. I believe I did really
well and I know I worked extremely hard towards completing this task

Liam Room 23

Anonymous said...

Joe says
I believe I did average in my inquiry. This is because I spent to long on Google sketch up. my next step is to add research.

Xanthe said...

I think I did well in my Inquiry, it was a challenge but the final result for me was very good! I really enjoyed this experience and loved making my house! :)

Rm 23

Anonymous said...

Sam says:

I think I worked really hard on this inquiry & put lot of effort into all the questions. I really enjoyed designing the house & I think it was by far the easiest part. Next time I would try find examples of materials I used to build my house.

charlie said...

I really enjoyed this inquiry as i liked creating the sustainable house and I also liked learning about sustainability as I didn't use to know about sustainability.

room 23

Anonymous said...

I am quite proud of my work in this inquiry. Although, I could have used more detail describing my work and on my plan. Plus I needed some help during certain parts of my inquiry.

Tom W

Eva said...

Eva Said: I think I did really well on this inquiry and I worked really hard on it especially on the model. I am pleased with the finished product. Next steps would be; better time management and better model.

Room 23

Elliot said...

Elliot: I think it was fun and exciting how we got to make something and I didn't think it would be an eco- house. My next step is to label my eoc-house so it will be completely finished. Also I need to work on my time-management and putting more content into my work.

Zara said...

I am proud of my efforts. However next time I get given a big inquiry I will manage my time better and try to put more effort into the task at hand. I thought this was a very enjoyable topic to complete and I had a lot of fun doing it.

Megs Blog said...

I am very happy with my finished product. However next time I would like to work harder to create a model and a science display board to make my over all inquiry a higher standard.

I think it was extremely fun and it was interesting designing and researching about sustainable housing.

Unknown said...

It is great to read how reflective you are over your inquiries! I was lucky enough to live in mid-Wales in the 1990's and visited the Centre for Altenative Technology where they have several houses that have been built as models for sustainable living. Have a look at for more information. (BTW you pronounce it mac-unt-lith (Machynlleth))