Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Inquiry Evaluations

Today we discussed 'What makes an effective evaluation?'

The evaluation section of the inquiry is so important. It shows personal development as well as outlining a learning journey. How far have students come from the start of the unit to now. What have they found interesting? What have they found challenging? Are they pleased with their efforts?

It was a great session. We revisited the Tim Finn & Herbs Song 'Parihaka'
looking again at the Lyrics. We all agreed that we now know what the lyrics mean.

Daniel's Conclusion.

As you can see in my inquiry, Parihaka was, and still is a powerful emblem of passive resistance Many people could learn something from this historical event.

Te Whiti and Tohu stood up for the entire population of Maori in New Zealand. They took responsibility for the welfare of their people and stood up for what they believed in. Most people would have given up. They stood in front of over 1,000 gun barrels and stood strong for Their people, they refused to take arms and fight back.

Although I already knew a bit about Parihaka. I never really grasped the importance of what Parihaka symbolised and what happened during that era. Pakeha signed a promise that they didn't keep, and no one was strong enough to stand up to them until Te Whiti and Tohu came to create Parihaka, and with that they made passive resistance recognized around that world and are respected to this day.

Many of my ideas were sparked by my classmates and by Mr Eames, these ideas helped me make my inquiry to the standard it is. At the start of the inquiry unit we watched a video song about Parihaka
( http://www.filmarchive.org.nz/readytoroll/view.php?id=38 ) it didn't mean much to me, it seemed like just another song. Now when I hear it I understand its purpose. ‘To make people aware of Parihaka.’


Lucy said...

I have written my conclusion but not my evaluation. I am looking forward to finishing it!

Kenzy said...

WOW room 23 it sounds like you are all doing alot of hard work. I hope Mr Eames is being nice to you.
From Kenzy room 22

Tessa's Learning Log said...

Nice work you should check mine out on the class wiki =)

From Tessa room 23